The Egret - Volume 37 - Issue 1 - March 2021
We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy during these trying times.
We will be back stronger.

Breeding Bird Atlas Update

By Paul Pratt
Two Eastern Screech-Owls look down from a tree. Photo by Paul Pratt

The Breeding Bird Atlas project is underway and it is time to start recording observations of breeding activity. Most birds don’t begin to nest until May and June but there are some birds that like to get an early start. Attached is a short list of birds that may provide early breeding evidence. Register as an atlas participant and submit your observations through the Atlas website at 

Update from the Bluebird Committee

By Don Bissonnette

In 2020, the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club’s Bluebird Committee collected statistics from 32 Bluebird trails, with a total of 208 birdhouses. This is very similar to the 2019 nesting season, where we collected statistics from 210 houses.


Please read on for more stories and information!

2020 ECFNC Outstanding Achievement Award goes to Steve Marks!

By Jessica Middleton
Paul Pratt extending his congratulations and his arms (social distancing) to Steve Marks for winning the 2020 ECFN Outstanding Achievement Award.

The Essex County Field Naturalists Club’s Executive Committee is pleased to recognize Steve Marks for making significant contributions to the club and local nature with the 2020 ECFN Outstanding Achievement Award.

DRCC Publice Advisory Coucil Update

By Tom Henderson


The Public Advisory Council (PAC) of the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup (DRCC; is an independent branch of the DRCC representing the public. Volunteers and environment groups including the ECFNC, Little River Enhancement Group, Citizens Environment Alliance and others have held membership since we started in 2004. Meetings are open to the public and scheduled when issues arise. 

Planting with Pleasure and Purpose

By Andy Paul
Photo by Jessica Middleton

For some of us, the beginning of spring isn’t announced by a date on a calendar, but by the subtle signs that emerge around us.  It might be the first sound of a red-winged blackbird that catches your attention, or the red buds of the maple tree that you notice on your walk.  Or maybe it’s that day you step outside your front door to take a deep, long breath of that fresh, earthy air (you know the smell).  However you recognize it, spring is upon us.  And it couldn’t come soon enough this year.  Perhaps more than any other year, many of us are eager to get back to life outdoors – and to do so in as safe a way as possible.  With ongoing talk of vaccine rollouts, variant virus strains, and colour-coded public safety restrictions, it may just be the perfect time to start the season off simply - by greening up your own backyard (or patio, or sunny window spot).  And if you choose to use native species of plants to make your living space a little more healthy, diverse and pleasing to the eye, you’ll actually be doing so much more than just that.  You will be part of a movement that is making a difference, one plant at a time.      

Grow your Groceries



By Chris Hart

Growing food in raised beds. Design and installation by Ground Culture. Photo by Brandi Bechard

One of the many things that this past year has taught me, is that there is no such thing as a simple trip to the grocery store anymore. Whether you’re strategically booking a pick-up time, or waiting in a long line, it has become quite the ordeal. While a full pantry can cut down on trips for certain products, the need for fresh produce will always bring you back. With spring just around the corner, a vegetable garden may just be the perfect solution (it’s a hobby that comes with food!). I asked Ground Cluture for some tips on improving my garden, and the environment. 

WEPBirds Depths of Winter Update



By Jeremy Hatt

Since 2015, birders in Essex County have kept a list of all the species found in our area during the month of February, a challenge we call the “Depths of Winter”. It is conducted each year on WEPBirds, an online forum created by ECFNC Vice President Kory Renaud for reporting and discussing bird sightings in the Windsor, Essex, and Pelee areas. WEPBirds is open to all levels of birding expertise and interest. Visit to learn more. Each year the Depths of Winter list is tallied from reports to WEPBirds, eBird, and other birding listservs.

Bird Friendly City

In 2019, Nature Canada signed an agreement with Environment and Climate Change Canada to recognize 30 Canadian centres as “Bird-Friendly Cities” by May 14th, 2022 - World Migratory Bird Day. The goal is to work with local partners within each city to develop a certification standard to recognize and celebrate cities that are making contributions to save birds in their communities.

Spring Reflections

After a year of unprecedented change in our lives, our city is preparing to resume normal activity in the near future. Case numbers are going down, many students are back in school, businesses are beginning to reopen, and people will soon be reconnecting with those they care about. Despite how difficult the past year has been, some of the sacrifices that people have been forced to make during the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in less traffic, a decrease in industrial activity, reduced emissions, and a forced slowing down of our hectic lifestyles.

For full details and the latest updates, visit
Unfortunately many of the great local events and activites have been cancelled or postponed due to social distancing guidelines. Please stay tuned for more information as things progress. 
ECFNC March  Virtual Members'  Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, March 10th, at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom


It's been a long, trying year for many. We hope you've had time to enjoy nature. We want to hear about your finds. Come take part in our AGM to find out the latest news and share your nature stories.
This is also the meeting at which we review the club's finances and elect the executive for the coming year. Don't miss out on your chance to have a say.
Click the button below for more information, including the Zoom link

ECFNC April  Virtual Members'  Meeting
Wednesday, March 14th, at 7:30 p.m. 


Bird Friendly Cities

Jennifer Nantais from Pelee Island Bird Observatory (PIBO)


As the newly appointed Urban Bird Educator for Pelee Island Bird Observatory, Jennifer will describe the Bird Friendly City project, and detail how local partners are working toward making Windsor one of the first Bird Friendly Cities in Canada.


Link to meeting will be sent out closer to the date.


Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary Bioblitz 


Saturday, June 26th, 2012 (rain date June 27th)


In partnership with Bioblitz Canada, the first Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary Bioblitz will be held on June 26th. More details will be worked out at a later date. so stay tuned!
Appropriate Covid precations will be in place. Washrooms and wifi will be available, and lunch will be provided for participants.
Future ECFNC Monthly Members' Meetings
2nd Wednesday of the Month, 7:30pm

Due to current circumstances, information on future members' meetings will be provided closer to the date. If social distancing restrictions are still in place, a virtual presentation will be made available. Please stay tuned for updates.
Junior Egrets Webpage!
Visit to join the excitement.
The Junior Egrets' page is being updated regularly, so check back often.
Request for Photos!

Have you seen anything neat in nature lately? Did you happen to catch it on camera? If so, consider submitting it to and we could include it in future articles or posts. Be sure to include your name and all relevant information about the photo (who/where/what/when).

Stay tuned for more!

Any future events will be announced during monthly meetings and listed in our calendar. 

Look out for email updates about any events within Covid19 guidelines. 

Check out our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel for fun content updates!


Visit our website to view historical issues of The Egret (1984-present).


It's a new year, so don't forget about renewing your membership dues. 

About Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club is a non-profit, open-to-the-public volunteer organization that focuses on promoting the conservation and restoration of the diverse natural heritage of Essex County and the surrounding region. We also strive to provide educational opportunities for the people of Essex County to become acquainted with and better understand the natural environment.
Contact Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club
c/o Ojibway Nature Centre
5200 Matchette Rd.
Windsor On,
N9C 4E8

Except for our annual dinner in November, monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm at Ojibway Nature Center, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor. All are welcome! We also have monthly outings posted in the ‘Events’ section of this newsletter as well as on our website. 
NOTICE - ALL Club meetings and events are cancelled until further notice

President: Paul Pratt (
Vice-President: Kory Renaud (
Chair Person: Jennifer Nantais (
Secretary: JoAnn Grondin (519-734-0056)
Treasurer: Cathy Lapain (
Membership Secretary: Ellen van Wageningen (

Dave Kraus (519-257-8674)
Gina Pannunzio (
Andy Paul (519-817-0155)
Jeremy Bensette (
Sam Dundas (

Jessica Middleton (

Chris Hart (

Karen Alexander (
Aileen Petrozzi ( 


Ontario Nature Liaison: Steve Marks, Jessica Middleton, Andy Paul
ERCA Liaison: Gina Pannunzio
Bluebird Committee: Don Bissonnette
Ojibway Liaison: Jennifer Nantais, Jessica Middleton
Citizens Environment Alliance Liaison: Andy Paul
Canada South Land Trust Liaison: Dave Kraus
Detroit River Canadian Cleanup Liaison: Gina Pannunzio, Steve Marks, Andy Paul

Climate Change:  Jennifer Nantais

NCC: Karen Alexander


Egret Editorial: Chris Hart, Kory Renaud
Junior Naturalists: Kory Renaud, Andy Paul, Jeremy Bensette, Sarah Renaud, Jessica Middleton
Heritage: JoAnn Grondin (coordinator), Dave Kraus, Betty Learmouth, Jim McAllister, Gerry Waldron, Shirley Grondin, Cathy Lapain, Tim Shortridge, Aileen Petrozzi, Ellen van Wageningen
Little River Enhancement Group: Ian Naisbitt (chair)
Fish Book: Dave Kraus
Website & Social Media: Kory Renaud, Ellen van Wageningen
Membership: Jeremy Hatt (chair), Carl Maiolani, Aileen Petrozzi, Ellen van Wageningen

Grant Committee:  Karen Alexander, Jessica Middleton, Jennifer Nantais, Jeremy Bensette


Your annual membership fees help to support the local efforts of the club. To learn more about becoming a member, please contact our membership secretary, Ellen van Wageningen. 
  • Receive the quarterly newsletter The Egret via email
  • Enjoy guest speakers at the monthly meetings
  • Explore our natural heritage with a guide
  • Help restore and protect Essex County’s natural heritage

Online Payment Option
Join or renew your membership online at

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c/o Ojibway Nature Centre 5200 Matchette Rd., Windsor, Ontario N9C 4E8, Canada

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