The Egret - Volume 36 - Issue 2 - June 2020
We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy during these trying times.
We will be back stronger.

Meet the 2020 Executive Directors!

In March, the Essex County Field Naturalists' Club held their Annual General Meeting. Besides taking part in another edition of Steve Marks' super stumper member mega club quiz, we also voted on the 2020 Executive committee. Since then, Covid19 has prevented any formal meetings of the club, and as such, prevented any chance for club members to get to know those individuals who work behind the scenes to make the ECFNC as great as it is. To give you a brief glimpse at those members, and to provide a face to the names, please see the short bios and photos attached.

Garlic Mustard Pulls Are Paying off in Leamington

By Peggy Hurst
Trout lilies in bloom in 2019 at the Heinz Woodlot, also known as Carolina Woods, in Leamington, Ont. Photo by Peggy Hurst

On Saturday, May 2, Gerry Waldron and I met at the Heinz Woodlot, a.k.a. Carolina Woods, in Leamington to continue our annual battle with garlic mustard.

It was a lovely bug-free, rain-free morning. It was evident immediately that our efforts in past years are succeeding. 

Visiting Greenspaces in June
By Gina Pannunzio

Here’s an update on visiting greenspaces if you’re curious. Before you visit any of these places, check what facilities/activities are available and pack what you need (e.g. water, snacks hand sanitizer). When you visit practice social distancing, avoid gathering in large groups and help keep these places pristine by using garbage bins or taking trash home.

Tick Safety
By Gina Pannunzio
It’s that time of year where many people and their pets are out and about exploring all the trails and green spaces across Windsor Essex. We hope that if you go, you enjoy the experience and practice some tick safety while out exploring. Being tick smart is all about being prepared. Here are several things you can do to be tick smart and keep your loved ones, including pets safe.
Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas 2021-2025
By Paul Pratt

The third Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas starts January 2021 and continues to the end of 2025. Earlier atlas projects ran from 1981 to 1985 and 2001 to 2005. During the second atlas participants logged 150,000 hours of field time and submitted 1.2 million individual breeding bird records, an amazing achievement.

Distribution of the 10km x 10km atlas squares across Essex County
Our Wild Backyards...
A few nature photos taken by some club members over the last few months. 
By Chris Hart
Take your brain on a little nature hike with this locally inspired crossword puzzle.
Answers will be posted in the next Egret issue. Good luck!
Created using the Crossword Maker on
For full details and the latest updates, visit
Unfortunately many of the great local events and activites have been cancelled or postponed due to social distancing guidelines. Please stay tuned for more information as things progress. 
ECFNC June  Virtual Members' Meeting
Wednesday, June 10, at 7:30 p.m. on YouTube


Essex County Field Naturalists' Club member Kory Renaud has recorded a webinar on how to use eBird to share your bird sightings.

The video will be put up on our EssexCountyNature YouTube channel at the start of the meeting. After you watch it, you can type comments and questions in the comment section below the video. It works best if you log into your YouTube or Google account so others can see who is commenting. If you aren't signed in you can still comment and identify yourself in the comment. Kory will be signed in and available to answer your questions until 9 p.m.

This is a great opportunity to connect with other members while we can’t meet in person.

If you are unable join us online Wednesday evening, you can go to the YouTube channel any time afterward to watch Kory’s video and add your comments.
Click the icon below to get to the Essex County Nature YouTube channel. Remember to hit the Subscribe button and the bell notification to receive reminders when we post new videos.

We would love to share your nature videos. Contact membership secretary Ellen van Wageningen at if you have one. She will let you know where to upload it and the information we require to post it.

Future ECFNC Monthly Members' Meetings
2nd Wednesday of the Month, 7:30pm

Due to current circumstances, information on future members' meetings will be provided closer to the date. If social distancing restrictions are still in place, a virtual presentation will be made available. Please stay tuned for updates.

Research Opportunity!

Anywhere, Anytime

Ontario residents ages 18-85


Researchers at the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto are looking for volunteers to help with an online study examining how people organize and remember natural taxonomies. The current study is seeking participants from two groups: 

1) intermediate or experienced birders who can identify a range of Ontario bird species 

2) anyone with nature-related interests but without particular bird ID experience (beyond common backyard birds). 

The study takes about 1 hr and can be completed online whenever is convenient. Participants will receive a  $10 e-gift card. 

Eligibility: Ontario residents ages 18-85


For more information, please contact Kenny Trinh at

Looking to find Native Plants?

"In the Zone" is a new initiative that allows you to search for local stores and garden centres that sell native plants in your area.
Check out for more information.
Junior Egrets Webpage!
Visit to join the excitement.
The Junior Egrets' page is being updated regularly, so check back often.
Request for Photos!

Have you seen anything neat in nature lately? Did you happen to catch it on camera? If so, consider submitting it to and we could include it in future articles or posts. Be sure to include your name and all relevant information about the photo (who/where/what/when).

Stay tuned for more!

Any future events will be announced at monthly meetings and listed in our calendar. 

Look out for email updates about any events within Covid19 guidelines. 

Check out our Facebook page and YouTube channel for fun content updates!

About Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club is a non-profit, open-to-the-public volunteer organization that focuses on promoting the conservation and restoration of the diverse natural heritage of Essex County and the surrounding region. We also strive to provide educational opportunities for the people of Essex County to become acquainted with and better understand the natural environment.
Contact Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club
c/o Ojibway Nature Centre
5200 Matchette Rd.
Windsor On,
N9C 4E8

Except for our annual dinner in November, monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm at Ojibway Nature Center, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor. All are welcome! We also have monthly outings posted in the ‘Events’ section of this newsletter as well as on our website. 
NOTICE - ALL Club meetings and events are cancelled until further notice

President: Paul Pratt (
Vice-President: Kory Renaud (
Chair Person: Jennifer Nantais (
Secretary: JoAnn Grondin (519-734-0056)
Treasurer: Cathy Lapain (
Membership Secretary: Ellen van Wageningen (

Dave Kraus (519-257-8674)
Gina Pannunzio (
Andy Paul (519-817-0155)
Jeremy Bensette (
Sam Dundas (

Jessica Middleton (

Chris Hart (

Karen Alexander (
Aileen Petrozzi ( 



Ontario Nature Liaison: Steve Marks, Jessica Middleton, Andy Paul
ERCA Liaison: Gina Pannunzio
Bluebird Committee: Don Bissonnette
Ojibway Liaison: Jennifer Nantais, Jessica Middleton
Citizens Environment Alliance Liaison: Andy Paul
Canada South Land Trust Liaison: Dave Kraus
Detroit River Canadian Cleanup Liaison: Gina Pannunzio, Steve Marks, Andy Paul

Climate Change:  Jennifer Nantais

NCC: Karen Alexander


Egret Editorial: Chris Hart, Kory Renaud
Junior Naturalists: Kory Renaud, Andy Paul, Jeremy Bensette, Sarah Renaud, Jessica Middleton
Heritage: JoAnn Grondin (coordinator), Dave Kraus, Betty Learmouth, Jim McAllister, Gerry Waldron, Shirley Grondin, Cathy Lapain, Tim Shortridge, Aileen Petrozzi, Ellen van Wageningen
Little River Enhancement Group: Ian Naisbitt (chair)
Fish Book: Dave Kraus
Website & Social Media: Kory Renaud, Ellen van Wageningen
Membership: Jeremy Hatt (chair), Carl Maiolani, Aileen Petrozzi, Ellen van Wageningen

Grant Committee:  Karen Alexander, Jessica Middleton, Jennifer Nantais, Jeremy Bensette


Your annual membership fees help to support the local efforts of the club. To learn more about becoming a member, please contact our membership secretary, Ellen van Wageningen. 
  • Receive the quarterly newsletter The Egret via email
  • Enjoy guest speakers at the monthly meetings
  • Explore our natural heritage with a guide
  • Help restore and protect Essex County’s natural heritage

Online Payment Option
Join or renew your membership online at

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c/o Ojibway Nature Centre 5200 Matchette Rd., Windsor, Ontario N9C 4E8, Canada

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