The Egret - Volume 39 - Issue 4 - December 2023 |
Covered ground, an open mind; each step, so much in store.
Everyday's a holiday, walking in the great outdoors |
2023 Events & Pop-ups: A Year in Review
By Kristen Derbyshire
By the close of the year, the club will have hosted a total of 54 events! That’s more than one event per week of the year. We’re really keeping you guys busy! Of that total number of events, 41 will have been Pop-ups - smaller scale gatherings which are organized by the Membership Committee to bring us all together for a moment and immerse ourselves in the abundant nature of Windsor-Essex County.
A good chunk of those Pop-ups can be attributed to the Bi-Weekly Walks which are held at Black Oak Heritage Park in Windsor. This idea to host a regular rendezvous at Black Oak to observe the natural surroundings as the seasons change was initially thought up early this year by Howard Williams. Before leaving us a few months ago to move with his wife to the east coast, his contributions to the club were invaluable. The club is happy to continue the bi-weekly Black Oak walks in his absence, turning them into a custom of sorts - in honour of Howard.
Our 36th Annual Dinner - November 4th, 2023
By JoAnn Grondin |
Our Annual Dinner went very well despite some setbacks. Many thanks to our volunteers, those who attended, our speaker Dennis Higgs and our MC Kory Renaud. Although we used to get numbers in the 80’s attending, we were expecting 59 people this time. This allowed us to do some social distancing at each table with 6 people instead of 8. It was a very pleasant evening and I have lots of people to thank. Without their help, this dinner could not have taken place.
Congratulations to Paul Pratt, our Outstanding Achievement Award recipient, for all his hard work over the years. Paul was one of the Club's founding members.
Please click the link below to read more about all those who helped make the evening a success, including a list of those who kindly donated to our silent auction. |
Collaborative 'Big Sit' event at Point Pelee
On November 18, the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club joined up w/ the Windsor Feminist Bird Club to host a Big Sit at the Delaurier parking lot in Point Pelee National Park.
A Big Sit is as fun as it sounds! The basic idea is for birders stay in one spot, often in a comfortable chair, for an extended period to watch all the birds that fly by or over and count the total number of species and individual birds. We chose the Delaurier parking lot as it is a big open space w/ a good clear view of the sky. Migrating waterfowl, raptors, and passerines all fly over this area of the park and so it’s a great place to get a good variety of birds. Mid-November sees good movements of raptors like Red-tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, and Northern Harrier, blackbirds, and finches like American Goldfinch, Purple Finch, and Pine Siskin to name a few.
National Urban Park update |
The process of creating a National Urban Park in Windsor continues. There are no major updates at this time. Bill-C248 is still at the second reading in the Senate, and Parks Canada, and the NUP-HUB continue their planning and policy development.
More information on the legislative route to a NUP and the progress of Brian Masse's Bill C-248 can be found on the Parliament website. See link below.
For the policy route, a summary report of engagement and feedback from public and stakeholder events from November 2022 to June 2023 was recently released. A link to that document is provided below. |
Memorial Tree Plantings
A contribution was made by the Club to the Essex Region Conservation Authority on behalf of Jim McAllister. Early this month, a Swamp White Oak was planted in honour of Jim at the heritage forest at Hillman Marsh (left photo). Information on the annual memorial event at the forest should be released in the spring.
With the support of the Club, Lil'Reg recently had two memorial plaques made by the City of Windsor to honour Roger Koppeser and Stan Taylor. The plaques were placed under one of the 25 trees that were planted just south of the Ganatchio Trail, near Sand Point Beach, in 2016 for Lil'Reg's 25th anniversary (right photo). Also under the tree is an engraved boulder, also placed in 2016 to mark the anniversary, and a memorial plaque for member Peter Hayfield, placed in 2020.
Details on how the Club will honour founding member Betty Learmouth are still being finalized. Updates will be provided accordingly. |
Fueling Futures Grant from Enbridge Gas
We are pleased to announce that the Club was a recent recipient of a Fueling Futures grant from Enbridge Gas. The $2500 grant will go towards supporting our many community sustainability initiatives, such as our Phrag Fighter events, the Blue Bird Committee, Jr Egrets, and more. #ENBFuelingFutures
2023 Birds Wrapped
By Kristen Derbyshire
Have a look at the top birds for 2023 from the club's executive team. Which one is your favourite? Vote for the best bird of 2023, and we'll announce the Member's Choice Top Bird 2023 in the new year!
Call for Members' Memorable Moments
As 2023 comes to a close, we'd like to hear about your most memorable nature sightings or adventures over the past 12 months. Similar to the December Members' meeting, this is your chance to share your story!
Please submit a photo, and/or a short summary of your experience, to essexcountynature@gmail.com. If submitting a photo of a neat sighting, be sure to include the who/what/when/where.
Submissions will be compiled and included in the March 2024 Egret.
For full details and the latest updates, visit www.essexcountynature.com/events
Member meetings are back in person, and pop-up events are still popping up!
The ECFNC is working deligently to host safe, exciting and educational events, as well as inform our members of those events put on by like-mided organizations.
Please stay tuned for Member Updates as new events are announced. |
ECFNC December Members' Meeting
Show and Tell
Wednesday, December 13th, at 7:30 p.m.
Ojibway Nature Centre
This is your chance to highlight your nature sightings and adventures from the past year, and hear all about the neat experiences of other members!
ECFNC January Members' Meeting
Biodiversity of a Naturalized Yard
Wednesday, January 10th, at 7:30 p.m.
Ojibway Nature Centre
Russ Jones will be speaking to the Club on the biodiversity benefits of maintaining a naturalized property.
Member Orientation Meeting
Monday, January 29th, at 7:30 p.m.
Ojibway Nature Centre
Come and join us as we explore the inner workings of the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club. The meeting will be hosted by the Membership Committee and will cover the club’s activities, structure, history, and volunteer opportunities. This is a great opportunity to meet some other members, ask questions about the club, and provide suggestions for the future. As seating for this special event is limited, please RSVP by Jan 17th to carlmaiolani@cogeco.ca or by calling Carl at 519-972-1399. Pizza and other refreshments will be served at the beginning of the meeting. This gathering is primarily intended for members who have joined the club within the last four years, but all members are welcome and encouraged to attend. A friend or relative that may be interested in joining the club is welcome to attend with you as your guest.
ECFNC February Members' Meeting
2023 Essex County Bird Checklist
Wednesday, February 14th, at 7:30 p.m.
Ojibway Nature Centre
Cameron Chevalier will present a summary of the 2023 record-breaking year in bird records for Essex County (and an early summary of where the 2024 list stands as of February).
ECFNC March Members' Meeting
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, March 13th, at 7:30 p.m.
Ojibway Nature Centre
A review of the past year, including Treasure's reports and committee updates. There will also be a fun quiz! Election of Executive positions will also take place.
Any members interested in walking every two weeks, in the Black Oak area to monitor changes in the natural world as the year progresses should meet at the Car Park beside the Black Oak Heritage Park on the south side of Broadway Street. 10am.
Stay tuned for future walks.
Join or Renew your Membership for 2024!!
Another year has come and gone. For those looking to join the club, or renew memberships, just tap the button below to pay online. (You don't need a PayPal account. Just tap "enter as a guest' and then "continue to payment" if you want to use a credit card.)
Annual membership fees are $10 for students, $20 for other individuals and $25 for families. If you have questions or can't remember when you last paid for your membership, contact membership secretary Kristen Derbyshire.
We cannot accept cash payments for memberships at this time. Please send cheques* by mail to:
Cathy Lapain, treasurer
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club
c/o Ojibway Nature Centre
5200 Matchette Rd.
Windsor, ON, N9C 4E8
(*Cheques should be made out to the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club. Please indicate on the cheque if it is a membership fee or a donation.)
Visit www.essexcountynature.com/junior-egrets to join the excitement.
The Junior Egrets' page is being updated regularly, so check back often. |
Request for Photos!
Have you seen anything neat in nature lately? Did you happen to catch it on camera? If so, consider submitting it to egret@essexcountynature.com and we could include it in future articles or posts. Be sure to include your name and all relevant information about the photo (who/where/what/when). |
Stay tuned for more!
Any future events will be announced during monthly meetings and listed in our calendar.
Look out for email updates about any events within Covid19 guidelines.
Check out our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel for fun content updates!
Visit our website to view historical issues of The Egret (1984-present).
A new year is upon us, so don't forget about renewing your membership dues.
About Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club is a non-profit, open-to-the-public volunteer organization that focuses on promoting the conservation and restoration of the diverse natural heritage of Essex County and the surrounding region. We also strive to provide educational opportunities for the people of Essex County to become acquainted with and better understand the natural environment. |
Contact Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club
c/o Ojibway Nature Centre
5200 Matchette Rd.
Windsor On,
N9C 4E8
Except for our annual dinner in November, monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm at Ojibway Nature Center, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor. All are welcome! We also have monthly outings posted in the ‘Events’ section of this newsletter as well as on our website. |
President: Xander Campbell ( xandercampbell777@gmail.com)
Vice-President: Kory Renaud ( koryrenaud@gmail.com)
Chair Person: Jennifer Nantais ( jennifer.nantais@gmail.com)
Secretary: Sam Dundas ( dundas.samantha09@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Cathy Lapain ( aclapain@gmail.com)
Membership Secretary: Kristen Derbyshire ( kristenderbyshire01@gmail.com)
Dave Kraus ( 519-257-8674)
Chris Hart (c.hart14@yahoo.ca)
Carolyn Brown (carolynabrown99@gmail.com)
Jeremy Hatt (hattjeremy@hotmail.com)
Kathleen Woodhouse (kathleen.woodhouse22@gmail.com)
Ontario Nature Liaison: Jennifer Nantais
ERCA Liaison: Gina Pannunzio
Bluebird Committee: Don Bissonnette
Ojibway Liaison: Chris Hart
Citizens Environment Alliance Liaison: Phil Roberts
Canada South Land Trust Liaison: Dave Kraus
Detroit River Canadian Cleanup Liaison: Gina Pannunzio
Climate Change: Jennifer Nantais
Egret Editorial: Chris Hart
Junior Egrets: Kory Renaud, Jen Nantais, Chris Hart, Carolyn Brown
Heritage: JoAnn Grondin (coordinator), Dave Kraus, Gerry Waldron, Shirley Grondin, Cathy Lapain, Tim Shortridge, Aileen Petrozzi, Ellen van Wageningen
Little River Enhancement Group: Ian Naisbitt (chair)
Fish Book: Dave Kraus
Website & Social Media: Kory Renaud, Kristen Derbyshire
Membership: Jeremy Hatt (chair), Carl Maiolani, Aileen Petrozzi, Kristen Derbyshire
Grant Committee: Chris Hart, Jennifer Nantais
Phragmites Committee: Heather Cohen, Aileen Petrozzi, Rose Simard, Joan Murphy-Walker
Your annual membership fees help to support the local efforts of the club. To learn more about becoming a member, please contact our membership secretary, Kristen Derbyshire
- Receive the quarterly newsletter The Egret via email
- Enjoy guest speakers at the monthly meetings
- Explore our natural heritage with a guide
- Help restore and protect Essex County’s natural heritage
Online Payment Option
Join or renew your membership online at www.essexcountynature.com/membership
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