The Egret - Volume 39 - Issue 3 - September 2023
As days downsize to cool, crisp nights, Autumn opens arms; the leaves ignite

News from the Phrag Fighters!

By Aileen Petrozzi

Last year the Invasive Phragmites Control Centre came in and sprayed around the little pond at the Bryerswood Optimist camp near Amherstburg.  They later took out dead phragmites, with assistance from members of our Phragmites Committee.  In June, six volunteers came back to take out the new growth. Other than the mosquitoes bothering us, we completed the job in two hours without difficulty.  We basically walked around the small pond and caned the new growth in the water and on the shore. We will return to Bryerswood in late September to use spades on land and use the camp’s canoe to get to the middle of the pond with our canes.


The Phrag committee is patiently waiting on the grant that we applied for from the Green Shovels Collaborative. If we are successful, this will allow us to purchase more equipment and continue our work.


Above photo (left to right): Heather Inksetter, Michelle Mastellotto, Howard Williams, Megan Irwin, and Roland Chaudat.

Bi-weekly walks at Black Oak
By Catherine Hogg

The Essex County Naturalists have been doing bi-weekly walks in the Black Oak Heritage Park since April. Friends of Ojibway Prairie have joined us on these walks.


We are planning to do these walks for 1 year to see the many different changes in the park. I have been documenting what we see and have enjoyed the social aspect of the hike. The participants share their knowledge, and all enjoy the many discussions on the trail.

Photo: Northern crescent by Howard Williams

Second Annual Pride Bird Walk at Ojibway Park

By Jeremy Hatt

On June 17, 2023, seven Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club members joined Jennifer Nantais and me for the second annual Pride Bird Walk at Ojibway Park. This event is a joint venture of ECFNC and the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) and celebrates the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.


Now more than ever, events like these are essential for clubs to provide as we see the erosion of rights and a rise in hate and intolerance, especially towards the Trans community. It is so important to experience joy and a sense of community during these times and we hope events like these provide a space for people to experience just that.


Once again, we had great weather for the event, but not quite as cool as it was in 2022! The energy of the group was wonderfully positive and some familiar faces were in attendance as well as people new to ECFNC. Once again, the event resulted in new members to the Club.

2023 Butterfly Count
By Chris Hart

Each year, groups of passionate Lepidopterists, excited naturalists, and curious newcomers (…with one person stuck trying to frantically keep track of all the species being yelled out) take to the fields to try and spot as many butterflies as they can. This information helps to provide insight on the abundance and diversity of local populations, as well creating a much bigger picture, through the census reports published by the North American Butterfly Association (NABA).

This year, the Windsor counts took place on the morning of July 8th. A total of 31 people turned out, spread out across three groups to survey Spring Garden, Brunet Park, and the Ojibway Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve.

(Photo: Edwards' hairstreak by Ali Mokdad)

ECFNC 36th Annual Dinner - November 4th, 2023

By JoAnn Grondin

Feel the buzz in the room; after all this time we finally get to see old friends and make new ones too! 

Help to raise funds for the Heritage Committee, which we haven’t been able to do for the last 3 years. Bid the highest in the silent auction and enjoy your purchase(s). Take your chances of winning a nice door prize. Feel good for helping with a fundraiser!


Enjoy an interesting talk by Dr. Dennis Higgs, a Biology Professor at the University of Windsor; his topic is Fish Communications.  


Take part in honouring a special member for his/her outstanding work for our Club.


Our 36th Annual Dinner is on Saturday, Nov. 4th at the Royal Canadian Legion, Metropolitan Branch 594, 5030 Howard Avenue, Tecumseh, ON. (South of Hwy 3; across from the Heavenly Rest Cemetery).

Doors open at 5:00 pm. Dinner at 6:30 pm. Cash Bar. Tickets are $40.00 each.


See the Events section below for more information, including how to get your tickets!

UWindsor National Urban Park HUB

As the process to create new National Urban Parks (NUP) continues, and Parks Canada works to develop their NUP Policy, the newly formed ‘University of Windsor National Urban Park Hub’ aims to provide a diversity of expert advice. The foundational pillars of future NUP programs are conservation of nature, connection of people to nature, and advancement and reconciliation with Indigenous People. To highlight these pillars, while focusing on co-creation and co-management, the UW-NUPH will be led by Healthy Headwaters Lab Director Catherine Febria, Centre for Cities Director Anneke Smit, and Faculty of Science Indigenous Knowledge Keeper Clint Jacobs.


For more information on the Hub, please click the link below.


Stay tuned for more updates on the NUP in Windsor.

Oak Wilt: What it is and what to do
By Chris Hart

As autumn approaches, leaves will soon begin to change from vibrant greens to a fiery spectrum of yellow, orange and reds. Eventually completing their cycle as they brown and fall to the ground. But what if they skipped a step? What if, as you pass by one of the many beautiful oaks in our area, you notice that many of its green leaves are already beneath your feet? This could be a sign of oak wilt, and it is important that people are aware of the signs, symptoms and how to report it.


Oak wilt is a vascular disease of oak trees caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum growing on the outer sapwood and restricting flow of water and nutrients throughout the tree. This will result in the death of the tree, often within a year. White oak species (Bur, Chinkapin, and Swamp White) are more resistant than the red oaks (Black, Pin and Schumard), which can succumb to oak wilt within 2-6 weeks.


The signs of infection to look out for include the wilting and dropping of leaves, starting at the top of the tree. The leaves will also begin to brown along the edges, with the discolouration moving inward. Vertical cracks will then begin to form in the bark as the fungal spore mat grows and pushes outward. It is at this point Oak wilt is at risk of spreading, as small beetles, attracted to the ‘fruity’ smell of the fungus, will enter the cracks to feed, and then disperse to other oaks covered in spores. Should a neighbouring oak have any recent wound in its bark, from pruning, storm damage or vandalism, then they too could become infected. Neighbouring oaks are also at risk of infection through root grafting. This is when intersecting roots of different trees join to assist with nutrient exchange.


More information, including how to report oak wilt can be found on the CFIA link below. To learn even more, an extensive list of resources can be found via the Invasive Species Centre link below.

Club contributions and outreach

The Club has sponsored Megan Lanoue, a grade 11 student from Belle River District High School, to attend the 2023 Youth Summit for Mother Nature. The Summit is hosted by Ontario Nature and will be held September 22-24 at Camp Wahanowin, near Orillia.
We are also pleased to announce the recipient of this year's Lynda Corkum Bursary is Kristen Cyr. Kirsten is completing a Master's of Science degree at the University of Windsor in Behavioural and Applied Ecology. 

Welcome our Membership Secretary - Kristen Derbyshire!

I joined the club this past June, after attending the Pride Month birding walk lead by Jeremy & Jennifer at Ojibway Park. You guys swept me off my feet and I just had to become a member!


I love looking at birds, puzzling, and reading poetry and field guides in bed. I'm training for a half-marathon, and go through podcasts and audiobooks like they're going out of style.


My future goals are to overcome my fear of bugs, and attend University of Toronto for Biodiversity & Conservation Biology in September 2024.


I'm excited to assume the position of Membership Secretary and its responsibilities. I will also be following Howard's footsteps and participating in the Membership Committee, as well as leading communications with club members. I'll be the face behind many future email updates, and I will be posting updates & events on the club's Facebook page soon.


I look forward to meeting everyone, and spending more time with those who I have already met. Thank you, members, for your patience & understanding through this transition. 

For full details and the latest updates, visit
Member meetings are back in person, and pop-up events are still popping up!
The ECFNC is working deligently to host safe, exciting and educational events, as well as inform our members of those events put on by like-mided organizations.
Please stay tuned for Member Updates as new events are announced.
ECFNC September Members' Meeting
Fieldwork Fun - Tales of Research in the Wild
Wednesday, September 13th, at 7:30 p.m. 
Ojibway Nature Centre

From snowshoes hares in the Yukon, to caribou in Newfoundland and Labrador, Club member Chris Hart shares photos, facts and anecdotes of fun, from his experiences as a wildlife biologist.

ECFNC October Members' Meeting
Achieving a Big Year
Wednesday, October 11th, at 7:30 p.m. 
Ojibway Nature Centre
The Club is pleased to welcome Kiah Jasper to speak at our October meeting about his recent Big Year of birding. Kiah will be visiting from the Bruce Peninsula to present on his attempts to observe the most bird species in Ontario in a single calendar year. Come on out to hear all about his adventures across the province, and see one or two bird photos. 


ECFNC 36th Annual Dinner
Saturday, November 4th
That's right, the annual Member's dinner is back! The November Members' Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 4th at Royal Canadian Legion Branch 594 (on Howard Avenue). 
Doors at 5:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30. Tickets $40.00 each
Silent Auction. Door Prizes. Cash Bar

Speaker:  Dennis Higgs “Fish Communications”

Ever wonder what our local fish are doing underwater and how they know when a fishing boat is approaching?  Did you know that some fish actually talk to each other and listen in on the world around them?  You are invited to attend a presentation and discussion with Dr. Dennis Higgs, a professor, a local and international researcher, from the University of Windsor.  Come out and hear your local waters and listen to sounds of fish talking to each other.

TICKETS:  Ojibway Nature Centre 519-966-5852: open Wed. to Fri. noon to 5:00 and Sat. 10:00 to 5:00 pm or

Aileen Petrozzi at or

JoAnn Grondin 519-734-0056 or online

Last day to buy tickets midnight, Fri, Oct. 27th

Festival of Hawks
September 16 and 17, 2023.
Holiday Beach Conservation Area
The Festival of Hawks returns on September 16 and 17 2023 to the beautiful natural world of Holiday Beach Conservation Area. Join experts from the Holiday Beach Migration Observatory for this amazing natural spectacle. Watch thousands of birds of prey flying overhead. Take in free programs hosted by local experts and see live hawks up close. A great family event for experts and amateurs alike. Gates to the festival open at 10am and admission is $20 per vehicle to gain entry.
Click the link below for more info, including full schedule, maps and resources.

2nd Annual ECFNC and FOOP BBQ ... with Matchet Rd Cleanup
Saturday October 1, 2023
Ojibway Nature Centre

Both Friends of Ojibway Prairie and Essex County Field Naturalists ‘Club will be having our 2nd annual Free BBQ for their members.


Please join the Friends of Ojibway Prairie for a Matchet Road Cleanup before the BBQ which all are our welcome- meet in Ojibway Nature Center parking lot 1045am

BBQ at 12 noon


Can register on Eventbrite:  


Or email

College Avenue Bikeway Community Tree Planting
Saturday, October 14, 10:00 am - 12:00pm
College Avenue Bikeway Park

Volunteers are welcome to register for the upcoming fall community tree planting event hosted by the Essex Region Conservation Authority in partnership with the City of Windsor and the Gordie Howe International Bridge project. A total of 40 large native to Windsor-Essex potted trees will be planted at College Avenue Bikeway Park to increase urban shade and biodiversity. The holes will be excavated in advance to help with breaking the ground.

Pre-registration through Eventbrite is required. Event will take place rain or shine, and will be delayed because of severe weather only.


Click the link below for more information.



Any members interested in walking every two weeks, in the Black Oak area to monitor changes in the natural world as the year progresses should meet at the Car Park beside the Black Oak Heritage Park on the south side of Broadway Street.

The next walk is on Saturday, September 16th at 10:00am.

Join or Renew your Membership for 2023!!


Another year has come and gone. For those looking to join the club, or renew memberships, just tap the button below to pay online. (You don't need a PayPal account. Just tap "enter as a guest' and then "continue to payment" if you want to use a credit card.)


Annual membership fees are $10 for students, $20 for other individuals and $25 for families. If you have questions or can't remember when you last paid for your membership, contact membership secretary Howard Williams.


We cannot accept cash payments for memberships at this time. Please send cheques* by mail to:

Cathy Lapain, treasurer

Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club

c/o Ojibway Nature Centre

5200 Matchette Rd.

Windsor, ON, N9C 4E8

(*Cheques should be made out to the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club. Please indicate on the cheque if it is a membership fee or a donation.)

Junior Egrets Webpage!
Visit to join the excitement.
The Junior Egrets' page is being updated regularly, so check back often.
Request for Photos!

Have you seen anything neat in nature lately? Did you happen to catch it on camera? If so, consider submitting it to and we could include it in future articles or posts. Be sure to include your name and all relevant information about the photo (who/where/what/when).

Stay tuned for more!

Any future events will be announced during monthly meetings and listed in our calendar. 

Look out for email updates about any events within Covid19 guidelines. 

Check out our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel for fun content updates!


Visit our website to view historical issues of The Egret (1984-present).

A new year is upon us, so don't forget about renewing your membership dues. 

About Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club is a non-profit, open-to-the-public volunteer organization that focuses on promoting the conservation and restoration of the diverse natural heritage of Essex County and the surrounding region. We also strive to provide educational opportunities for the people of Essex County to become acquainted with and better understand the natural environment.
Contact Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club
c/o Ojibway Nature Centre
5200 Matchette Rd.
Windsor On,
N9C 4E8

Except for our annual dinner in November, monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm at Ojibway Nature Center, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor. All are welcome! We also have monthly outings posted in the ‘Events’ section of this newsletter as well as on our website.

President: Xander Campbell (
Vice-President: Kory Renaud (
Chair Person: Jennifer Nantais (
Secretary: Sam Dundas (
Treasurer: Cathy Lapain (
Membership Secretary: Kristen Derbyshire (

Dave Kraus (519-257-8674)

Chris Hart (

Jeremy Hatt (

Carolyn Brown (

Kathleen Woodhouse (


Ontario Nature Liaison: Jennifer Nantais
ERCA Liaison: Gina Pannunzio
Bluebird Committee: Don Bissonnette
Ojibway Liaison: Chris Hart
Citizens Environment Alliance Liaison: Phil Roberts
Canada South Land Trust Liaison: Dave Kraus
Detroit River Canadian Cleanup Liaison: Gina Pannunzio

Climate Change:  Jennifer Nantais


Egret Editorial: Chris Hart
Junior Naturalists: Kory Renaud, Sarah Renaud, Carolyn Brown
Heritage: JoAnn Grondin (coordinator), Dave Kraus, Betty Learmouth, Gerry Waldron, Shirley Grondin, Cathy Lapain, Tim Shortridge, Aileen Petrozzi, Ellen van Wageningen
Little River Enhancement Group: Ian Naisbitt (chair)
Fish Book: Dave Kraus
Website & Social Media: Kory Renaud, Xander Campbell
Membership: Jeremy Hatt (chair), Carl Maiolani, Aileen Petrozzi, Kristen Derbyshire

Grant Committee:  Chris Hart, Jennifer Nantais

Phragmites Committee: Heather Cohen, Aileen Petrozzi, Rose Simard, Joan Murphy-Walker


Your annual membership fees help to support the local efforts of the club. To learn more about becoming a member, please contact our membership secretary, Howard Williams. 
  • Receive the quarterly newsletter The Egret via email
  • Enjoy guest speakers at the monthly meetings
  • Explore our natural heritage with a guide
  • Help restore and protect Essex County’s natural heritage

Online Payment Option
Join or renew your membership online at

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c/o Ojibway Nature Centre 5200 Matchette Rd., Windsor, Ontario N9C 4E8, Canada

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