The Egret - Volume 36 - Issue 1 - March 2020 |
Essex SwiftWatch Summary 2019
2019 was another productive and exciting year for our Club with regard to our continued involvement with Ontario SwiftWatch, a project of Birds Canada. Not only did we have another successful year contributing data to the spring roost monitoring project from May to June, we also confirmed new roosting and nesting sites in Essex County and held two very successful Swift Night Outs in Kingsville and Windsor.
Spring and Fall Swift Night Outs a Great Success
Members of the ECFNC were out in full force. Photo by Gerry Kaiser |
In 2019, ECFNC partnered with Birds Canada for two Swift Night Out events in Essex County. These events are quite popular and attract a diverse group of people looking to learn more about the Chimney Swift, a species at risk familiar to anyone living in a town or urban area.
2019 Holiday Beach Christmas Bird Count Summary |
The 2019 Holiday Beach CBC was held on Saturday, December 28th. The count includes Holiday Beach Conservation Area, Big Creek, the lower Detroit River north to LaSalle (Lower Detroit River Important Bird Area), Boblo Island, and surrounding areas.
Thirty-eight volunteers participated in the count, with 37 people making observations in the field and one person observing feeders. A total of 56.75 party hours were tallied: 28.25 hours by foot, 24 hours by car, 1.5 hours of owling, and 3 hours of feeder watching. A combined total of 359km of distance was travelled for the count by foot and by car. 78 species were recorded and a total of 16,413 birds tallied. This is on par with the number of species and individuals seen for the last few years of the count. No additional species were added during Count Week.
Detroit River Christmas Bird Count Summary |
A Christmas Bird Count is a great way to spend the start of a new year. Michigan’s Detroit River Christmas Bird Count includes a small portion on the Canadian side of the river including the parks that make up the Ojibway Prairie Complex. On New Year’s Day there were 24 participants covering Ojibway and the river downstream from Lauzon Road to the north end of Fighting Island. 51 species were recorded this year with the highlight being a Baltimore Oriole, only the second record for this count. The very mild weather kept waterfowl away from normal winter concentration sites and very dispersed this year. |
Ontario Field Ornithologists Detroit River and Ojibway Park Outing |
Red-bellied Woodpecker at Ojibway Park trail feeder – Photo by Jeremy Hatt
On January 12, 2020, Kory Renaud and Jeremy Hatt led an Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) Outing along the Detroit River and Ojibway Park. The main target of the outing is waterfowl and gulls along the upper Detroit River in the morning and passerines and other resident birds at Ojibway in the afternoon.
Many members of ECFNC were in attendance and the outing included stops at Lakeview Park Marina, Little River Corridor Park (and Little River Pollution Control Plant), the Ambassador Bridge, and Ojibway Park. 19 participants joined for the morning and 14 participants continued on into the afternoon. The day started off cold and cloudy but by late morning and into the afternoon, there were periods of sun making birding quite comfortable.
Tim Shortridge Recieves ERCA Volunteer Conservation Award |
Tim Shortridge is an avid volunteer involved in community restoration initiatives across Windsor-Essex. He joined ERCA’s How-To Crew to help support much needed restoration work in our region in an elevated way. In addition to planting trees, in his role as a How-To Crew member, Tim provides planning support, and advances long-term growth and survival through quality control measures at planting events. He has planted many trees at various restoration sites across the region. He also participates in the citizen science tree surveys to collect tree health and growth data at community restoration sites to assist with future restoration decisions.
New Member Orientation Meeting 2020 |
On Wednesday Feb. 19th, the Membership Committee hosted the 4th New Member Orientation meeting at the Ojibway Nature Centre. Altogether, 26 people participated in this annual event designed to help newish members better understand the organizational structure and workings of our club. We started the session at 6:30 pm with pizza and home-baked cookies courtesy of the board of directors and a couple committee members. Carl Maiolani led the presentation by guiding the group through the Club’s website. A short discussion about each of the site’s pages served to familiarize the attendees with the core aspects of the Club. We covered the Club’s mission, monthly meetings, events including field trips and Bioblitzes, our social media presence, the newsletter, and the books published by the Club. |
Corkum Bursary and Birdathon Results
In recognition of the contributions that Lynda Corkum has made to the Essex County Field Naturalists' Club, we are pleased to announce that the Corkum Bursary has now been established at the Universary of Windsor. The Club made a gift of $1500 to the University, and it will be awarded to [if someone reads this and knows the fine details, please email me. thanks]
The Club would also like to thank everyone that donated to Birds Canada's 2019 Great Canadian Birdathon on behalf of the club. During this campaign, Essex County Nature rasied $908.65. Great job! From that, $227.16 is coming back to the club, and will go to the Bluebird Committee. We appreciate your support! |
Great Global Cleanup Detroit River |
For the first time in the history of the Detroit River, an international community-based effort, the Great Global CleanUp: Detroit River, will hold the largest one-day cleanup event on Saturday, April 25, 2020 between 8:00 a.m. and noon. In collaboration with the Earth Day Network and to mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, nine local organizations from the U.S. and Canada will mobilize an estimated 5,000 volunteers from both countries to join together to protect, restore and enhance one of our environmental assets. |
Your new go-to spot for all local climate-related information, courtesy of our Climate Change Correspondent Jennifer Nantais. |
Earth Day in a Changing Climate
As the world prepares to celebrate our 50th Earth Day, protests continue, though the focus has changed. Concerns over pollution and the ozone layer have made way for what has clearly become the greatest threat to life on earth, Climate Change.
What was once a topic for debate, climate change has sadly entered our popular culture by affecting people’s everyday lives as people all over the globe experience an increase in weather patterns and extreme conditions causing fire, drought, flood, food shortage and property loss causing cities and governments all around the world to declare a climate emergency in 2019.
Deep Energy Retrofit Program
Since joining other cities and regions in declaring a state of climate emergency, the City of Windsor is offering home retrofits in an attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% over the next 20 years.
Owners of older homes will save on renovations, the city will save money, and homes will become more energy-efficient. Property owners also have the option of adding the cost of the upgrades to their property taxes and paying off the balance over time.
For full details and the latest updates, visit www.essexcountynature.com/events
ECFNC March Meeting
Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 7:30pm
Ojibway Nature Centre,5200 Matchette Rd, Windsor
March's monthly meeting will be for the Club's AGM. It will feature elections, a review of the previous year's budget and minutes, with a fun quiz throughout. Hope to see you all there! |
Spring Birding Events around Essex County!
Birding programs offered by the Ojibway Nature Centre (fee required)
Apr 25 (Saturday) meet at the Visitor Centre, Point Pelee. 8:30 am
May 2 (Saturday) meet at the Visitor Centre, Point Pelee. 8:30 am
May 20 (Wednesday) meet at the Visitor Centre, Point Pelee at 8:00 am
May 23 (Saturday) meet at the Visitor Centre, Point Pelee at 8:00 am
Birding Afield
May 6 (Wednesday) meet at the public parking area outside the entrance to Rondeau Prov Park, 8:00 am.
Big Day Birding
May 16 (Saturday) meet at the Marsh Boardwalk parking lot, Point Pelee, 6:00 am.
Jack Miner Night Hike
Thursday, March 26, 9:30pm,
Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary, 332 Road 3 West, Kingsville
Join other club members for an evening search for owls and other night life at the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary.
Citizens Environment Alliance 2020 Annual General Meeting
Saturday, March 28 @ 2:00pm
Roseland Golf and Curling Club, 455 Kennedy Drive West, Windsor
Members and supporters are invited. The year's accomplishments will be reviewed, current issues will be discussed, and board members will be elected.
Evening Spring Herp Walk
Saturday, April 4 at 6:30pm (rain date Saturday April 11), 1515 Mersea Rd 7, Leamington
An evening stroll at Dave Kraus' (1515 Mersea Rd 7 in Leamington) on Saturday, April 4th starting around 6:30pm (poor weather date of April 11) to view spring wildflowers, turtles, waterfowl, shorebirds, look for snakes under cover tins, spring birding, etc. Then at dusk, hopefully see foraging bats, Woodcock aerial displays, maybe Screech and Great Horned Owls, and listen to Woodcock, Spring Peepers, Chorus frogs, Leopard frogs, Screech Owls, Great Horned Owls, coyotes,...
Park on the grass farm lane off to the right before reaching the barn when coming down the gravel driveway. Wear waterproof boots, layers for the weather, and you might want a headlight or flashlight if you have one. Also, ifyou wish, bring a lawn chair to sit out after the walk and listen to the (hopefully) loud evening chorus, chat, stargaze and BYO beverage.
Field Naturalist property tour and clean-up at Marianne Girling Nature Reserve Sunday, April 5, 2020, 1-4pm
The Essex County Field Naturalists assisted with the acquisition of the Marianne Girling Nature Reserve in 2019. Members of the club are invited to the property on April 5th from 1 – 4 pm to walk the natural areas with Karen Alexander to learn about the history of the property and some preliminary restoration ideas. This event is doubling as our first stewardship project to remove trash and larger debris, so we are asking those who are able to assist to lend a hand with a property clean-up.
Please visit https://events.natureconservancy.ca/al-event/marianne-girling-nature-reserve-field-naturalist-tour-and-property-clean-up/ for more information.
ECFNC April Meeting
Wednesday, April 8th, 2020, 7:30pm
Ojibway Nature Centre,5200 Matchette Rd, Windsor
Join members of Essex County Field Naturalists' Club on April 8th 2020 at 7:30pm, as they welcome Jackie Serran, DRCC's Remedial Action Plan Coordinator and Gina Pannunzio, ERCA's Partnerships and Outreach Coordinator as guest presenters. Jackie will provide an update on the cleanup progress, share preliminary results of the fish consumption survey and highlight some habitat work taking place in the watersheds. To wrap up, Gina will share some of the outreach events taking place in the spring including community restoration projects, watershed cleanups, invasive species pulls, nature hikes and more! |
Go Wild Grow Wild
Saturday April 18, Metroland Media Agriplex, Western Fair District, London, ON
Join the largest, greenest, wildest event series in Ontario's far South as we collectively step forward to green our future! Together with thousands of adventurers, gardeners, nature enthusiasts, families and green people, Go Wild Grow Wild is growing a green future. This collaborative movement serves as a catalyst to celebrate, inspire and spark action to protect our wildlife and create healthy habitat.
The Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club will have a booth at this event, so please drop by and visit if you can!
Great Global Cleanup Detroit River
Saturday April 25 2020, 10am to 12pm, various locations
For the first time, a binational coalition of organizations will mobilize for one mission. This April we invite you to join us in helping to remove litter in and around one of our most precious natural resources – the Detroit River. Sign up, volunteer and be a part of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day this year at https://greatglobalcleanupdetroitriver.org/. Questions can be sent to Gina Pannunzio, Partnerships and Outreach Coordinator, ERCA at gpannunzio@erca.org or (519-776- 5209 ext. 245)
(See the article above for more information on this great event!)
Sunday April 26, 2019, 10am, Malden Park |
Please join us at Malden park for a Heritage Committee fundraiser 10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. Looking for volunteers to donate bake goods and also help out at the booth (2 hour shifts or whatever you can do) (You don’t need to belong to the Heritage Committee).
Please contact Cathy Lapain at aclapain@gmail.com.
We need a lot of bake goods to make this fundraiser a success, so please donate generously. If you can’t help by donating bake goods or helping out at the booth, please drop by and buy some goodies!
If you are donating cookies or squares please package in 6’s or 12’s for easy pricing. Please cover all baked goods with clear plastic wrap.
As many people have allergies or restricted diets, it would be helpful if you could label all bake goods with a list of ingredients.
Thanks! See you there
Jr. Egrets Event - Learn How to Plant a Tree
Sunday, April 26, 10am-12pm, location TBA
Calling all Junior Egrets! The growing season is upon us, so what better time to learn how to plant a tree? Young naturalists and their families are invited to get their hands dirty while learning how to properly plant and maintain a young tree – from digging the right-sized hole, to “tickling the roots”, to placement in the ground, to creating a “mulch doughnut”. Participants should dress for the weather and bring a reusable water bottle and a shovel if they have one. Sturdy, close-toed footwear and long pants are also recommended. Together, let’s have fun planting trees for a healthy future!
For more information contact egret@essexcountynature.com |
Heinz Woodlot (Carolina Woods Park) Garlic Mustard Pull
Saturday, May 2, 10am
Saturday will be a lovely day for a little exercise when you join Peggy Hurst to pull out the garlic mustard that threatens the native plants in the Heinz Woodlot. Last year, some hard core conservationists of the Club came together to make a difference in the battle against garlic mustard at this woodlot. They covered a lot of area, did a little bending and stretching, and admired the plants coming up in areas where last year there was nothing but garlic mustard. The thing about garlic mustard, you have to do this for a few years to win the battle. Every year we will have less to remove, and we may even get a chance to skip a year.
The seed remains viable for at least 7 years. It’s a biennial, which means it makes a rosette the first year and seeds the second. Garlic mustard comes up before the native plants, and makes a chemical that impairs the ability of the good guys to germinate. If we don't pull it, it will eventually become the only ground cover. That is not a pretty sight. The Field Naturalists worked very hard to protect this green space. Please don't let our labours, raffles, and door to door fundraising be for naught.
Park behind the Winners store. Turn left (east) just before the Canadian Tire on Erie Street south in Leamington. Bring your friends as admission is FREE. For additional details or better directions, email Peggy at pjhurst@gosfieldtel.com or call 519-839- 4635.
25th Annual ECFNC
Weekend Trip to Pelee Island, Ontario.
Saturday May 2 & Sunday May 3, 2020.
Leave at 10:00 am Saturday from Leamington Dock
aboard the M.V. Pelee Islander II (be at the dock by 9:20 am)
We will return to Leamington Dock by 5:45 pm Sunday
We will likely see: migrating waterfowl & warblers, wildflowers such as trilliums & waterleaf, basking turtles and snakes, bullfrogs, historic sites, and hear a chorus or two of American Toads, to suggest a few of the many enjoyable experiences on Pelee Island in spring. We should also get a chance to visit the Pelee Island Bird Observatory (PIBO bird banding station) and some of the recently acquired Nature Conservancy of Canada properties: Red Cedar Savannah ESA, Stone Road Alvar ANSI, Brown’s Point and Woods, and Brown’s Road Alvar. We will have plenty of time to walk, observe, and relax on the excursions to some of Pelee's most beautiful natural habitats, including: Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve, Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve, the Stone Road Alvar Complex, Sheridan Point ESA, and many other stops along the way (including natural habitat restoration work completed on my property).
Should we experience inclement weather, we can visit the Pelee Island Heritage Centre, tour the island in the comfort of our rented bus and/or lounge at the Anchor and Wheel Inn.
I have arranged for bus transportation while on the island – no other vehicles are necessary on the trip. There is parking at the Leamington Dock area. I have reserved space on the ferry for all registered, walk on passengers attending this trip - we will meet in the ticket office at the dock on Saturday morning by 9:30am.
Accommodations have been reserved at the Anchor and Wheel Inn. The motel and bed and breakfast style rooms are rustic, but comfortable and are situated on spacious grounds. Reservations are generally set for two persons per room. However, people do not need to register in pairs or groups - everyone is welcome and will be accommodated based on their wishes and room availability.
The Anchor and Wheel Inn contains a clean and comfortable restaurant where I have arranged for our delicious meals. We will break for meals regularly (lunch at noon and dinner at 5:45 pm on Saturday, breakfast at 8:30am and lunch at 12:45pm Sunday) and hot meals and snacks are also available on both ferry crossings.
The total cost will be $ 210 this year. This cost will include: the two ferry trips, weekend bus transportation, four hot meals, overnight room accommodations, and all taxes and tips. The $ 210 cost will include all expenses for the weekend other than alcoholic drinks, souvenirs, and snacks or meals on the ferry.
All interested persons need to do is: sign up with me and then show up at the Leamington Dock by 9:20 am Saturday morning with warm outdoor clothes and accessories, overnight necessities, $ 210 cheque (payable to David Kraus) or cash per person, and a few additional dollars for extra snacks, etc. if desired. The trails are elevated and dry, but you may wish to bring along rubber boots to access some swampy areas on my property and at the bird banding station, especially if it has been rainy. Carl will hopefully arrange for good weather as usual !!
I will contact each person that registers should any time or location changes for the ferry occur, otherwise the above outline is the basic schedule, rain or shine. I will hand out more detailed schedules on the Saturday morning ferry trip, but with our own driver and rented bus, we can be flexible and able to visit various sites depending on the weather and the group’s wishes.
To register for this trip: see me at the ECFNC meetings, call, or email/text:
Dave Kraus phone: 519 825 7491 (leave message)
email address: david.kraus@publicboard.ca
text: 519 257 8674
I look forward to your company on this ECFNC outing !!!
Friends of Cedar, Mill, Wigle Creek Watersheds Monthly Meeting and Camp Cedarwin Hike
Tuesday May 5 2020, 5-6pm monthly meeting, 6pm to 8p hike, Camp Cedarwin Peach Lodge, 1495 County Road 23 or Arner Townline, Kingsville, ON
All are invited to attend FOCMWC’s monthly meeting from 5pm to 6pm. The social and group mixer for FOCMWC, members of ECFNC and ERCA’s youth team and How To Crew will follow from 6pm to 8pm. FOCMWC’s mission includes advocacy and action relating to protecting and enhancing natural areas, combating invasive species, stewardship of the watersheds and local pollution problems. An educational component is usually part of each meeting. New members are always welcome! Please contact Alan Batke, Chairperson of the FOCMWC through e-mail focmwwatersheds@outlook.com or by phone at 519-733-4845.
ECFNC May Meeting
Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 7:30pm
Please stay tuned for more information on an exciting May meeting! |
Nature Connection Walk
Thursday May 21, 2020, 6pm to 8pm, Kopegaron Woods Conservation Area, Talbot Trail or County Rd. 34, Leamington ON
Join Jessica Middleton and Gina Pannunzio on a special spring walk through Kopegaron Woods! Gina will start with an interpretive hike about the conservation area, highlight some Carolinian tree species and beautiful spring ephemerals. Following this, Jessica will help deepen the experience using a series of Forest Bathing invitations. The walk will end with a tea ceremony and discussion on the healing powers of nature. All are welcome, parking is limited, carpooling is recommended. Dress for the weather, bring your binoculars and camera.
MGNR Ribbon cutting and BioBlitz
Saturday, May 23 2020 8am-9pm, Marriane Girling Nature Reserve
Join the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) at the newly protected Marianne Girling Nature Reserve for a Ribbon-Cutting and BioBlitz event! This event will launch with a short celebration to thank the property donors, which will be followed by a full day of species inventories using iNaturalist. Participants will be encouraged to work in genre groups (birds, herptiles, plants, etc). You are welcome to join for as long or as little as you want – the event will run from 8 AM-9 PM. Extending surveys beyond these hours can be discussed.
For more information, please visit https://events.natureconservancy.ca/al-event/marianne-girling-nature-reserve-bioblitz-and-ribbon-cutting/
Jack Miner BioBlitz
Saturday, June 6, at 9:00am, Jack Miner Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Kingsville
The Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary is having a Bioblitz on June 6th from 9:00am to June 7th at 9:00am. Stay tuned for more information.
Request for Photos!
Did you attend any of the Club's recent events, or have you seen anything neat in nature lately? Did you happen to catch it on camera? If so, consider submitting it to egret@essexcountynature.com and we could include it in future articles or posts. Be sure to include your name and all relevant information about the photo (who/where/what/when). |
Stay tuned for more!
Any future events will be announced at monthly meetings and listed in our calendar
About Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club is a non-profit, open-to-the-public volunteer organization that focuses on promoting the conservation and restoration of the diverse natural heritage of Essex County and the surrounding region. We also strive to provide educational opportunities for the people of Essex County to become acquainted with and better understand the natural environment. |
Contact Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club
c/o Ojibway Nature Centre
5200 Matchette Rd.
Windsor On,
N9C 4E8
Except for our annual dinner in November, monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm at Ojibway Nature Center, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor. All are welcome! We also have monthly outings posted in the ‘Events’ section of this newsletter as well as on our website. |
Ontario Nature Liaison: Steve Marks, Jessica Middleton, Andy Paul
ERCA Liaison: Gina Pannunzio
Bluebird Committee: Don Bissonnette
Ojibway Liaison: Carl Maiolani
Citizens Environment Alliance Liaison: Andy Paul
Canada South Land Trust Liaison: Dave Kraus
Detroit River Canadian Cleanup Liaison: Gina Pannunzio, Steve Marks |
Egret Editorial: Chris Hart, Kory Renaud, Gina Pannunzio
Junior Naturalists: Kory Renaud, Andy Paul, Jeremy Bensette, Sarah Renaud, Jessica Middleton
Heritage: JoAnn Grondin (coordinator), Dave Kraus, Betty Learmouth, Jim McAllister, Gerry Waldron, Shirley Grondin, Cathy Lapain, Tim Shortridge, Aileen Petrozzi, Ellen van Wageningen
Little River Enhancement Group: Ian Naisbitt (chair)
Fish Book: Dave Kraus
Website & Social Media: Kory Renaud
Membership: Jeremy Hatt (chair), Carl Maiolani, Aileen Petrozzi, Ellen van Wageningen |
Your annual membership fees help to support the local efforts of the club. To learn more about becoming a member, please contact our membership secretary, Carl Maiolani.
- Receive the quarterly newsletter The Egret via email
- Enjoy guest speakers at the monthly meetings
- Explore our natural heritage with a guide
- Help restore and protect Essex County’s natural heritage
Online Payment Option
Join or renew your membership online at www.essexcountynature.com/membership
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